  • Coating


APOLLOTX130™ was specifically developed for the protection of PPF and PPS films, featuring our proprietary Dark Matter Technology® DiamondTech® variant.

As the most advanced PPF coating available, APOLLOTX130™ combines organic and inorganic components with unique carbon forms to maximize chemical resistance on TPU films.

Utilizing the latest technologies, an erosion-resistant reinforced Elastomer Membrane™ has been created to further enhance and protect your PPF investment from chemical burns caused by bird droppings and bugs. The APOLLOTX130™ membrane is a highly flexible, omniphobic material featuring elastomer-based components that do not inhibit self-healing films.

This masterpiece of chemical engineering offers best-in-class self-cleaning and maximum chemical resistance properties (pH 1-14). APOLLOTX130™ is available to all professional PPF studios through our network of global distributors.


• Maximizes chemical resistance of films, preventing chemical burns from bird droppings and insects

• Enhances self-cleaning properties

• Provides a long-lasting omniphobic modified surface

• Increases UV resistance

• Ensures maximum client satisfaction • Conserves time, energy, and water

• Decreases the necessity for PPF reapplication